

Little League elbow is an overuse injury that can be prevented. 这是如何.

Little League elbow is an overuse injury of the elbow, usually caused by repetitive throwing. Elbow pain can be accompanied by strains, ligament damage or bone injury. Young athletes between the ages of 8 和 15 who participate in throwing sports such as baseball are most prone to this injury. It is typically seen in pitchers but may also occur in catchers 和 other fielders.

The most common symptom is pain on the inside of the elbow. Other symptoms include reduced range of motion 和 locking of the elbow joint. If a child or teen experiences any of these symptoms, he or she should stop throwing to rest the joint.


The best way to prevent Little League elbow during in-season play is to limit the number of pitches young athletes throw each week during practice 和 competitive play.


  • 给8到10岁的孩子75个球
  • 为11到12岁的孩子提供100个球场
  • 为13到14岁的孩子提供125个球场

In addition, young pitchers should play only three to four innings each game.

It's important for parents 和 coaches to carefully monitor throwing athletes.

Rest 和 proper training usually take care of most elbow pain, but not always. 玩家核心的力量不足, 肩膀 和 rotator cuff can contribute to injury, so athletes should concentrate on building core strength as well as 肩膀 和 rotator cuff muscles to help prevent injury. 

在淡季, young baseball players should rest at least 8 to 12 weeks to prevent overuse injuries. 


Little League elbow can become serious if left untreated. Repeated pulling can tear ligaments 和 tendons away from the bone 和 cause small bone fragments to pull away, 太. This can interfere with bone growth 和 deform the bone.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, most cases of Little League elbow can be treated without surgery. The following strategies may ease pain 和 address other issues associated with this injury:

  • 肘部休息. It's important that young athletes stop throwing for a period of time to allow the injured area to heal. 这有助于防止进一步的伤害.
  • 用冰敷. Reduce swelling 和 inflammation with an ice pack. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may also help reduce inflammation but should not be needed if the athlete takes a rest from activity.
  • 不要忽视反复出现的疼痛. If pain continues after a few days of rest or starts again after the child resumes throwing, it may be time to see a doctor to determine if further treatment is needed. 
  • 考虑 康复中心. Exercises to help improve the elbow's range of motion as well as to strengthen the forearm, 上臂, 肩膀, 背部和核心是有益的.
  • 检查机制. Once your child is ready to resume throwing, talk to your child's coach about his or her throwing technique 和 make adjustments if necessary.


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Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 安德鲁·奥弗曼,DPT, MS, COMT, CSCS

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