

The selected students participate in a research project (bench or clinical), attend Medical and Surgical 会诊, 听讲座, 参加巡回教学, 影子医生, 护士, 社会工作者, 营养学家, 联合医疗保健提供者, 和管理员. They also spend days with Guthrie Hospice and Guthrie 首页 Health care, a day with the Greater Valley Ambulance Service, and a possible day with the Guthrie Air Flight Team.


To be eligible for the 世界博彩公司十大排名的学者 program, students must be a resident of one of the following counties:

  • 在纽约 ——布鲁姆, Chemung, 靠近Chenango, Cortland, 特拉华州, 斯凯勒, Steuben, Tompkins or 泰奥加高中的入学率 (other counties by special circumstances)
  • 在宾夕法尼亚州 - - - - - -布拉德福德, 莱康明, 沙利文, 泰奥加高中的入学率, 拉克万纳, 萨斯奎哈纳, 韦恩, 怀俄明, 中心, 明显差异, 克林顿, 卡梅隆, 麋鹿, McKean or Potter (other counties by special circumstances).

另外, 学生必须由他们尊敬的学术机构推荐,并通过世界博彩公司十大排名的面试程序.


Students must be at least in their junior year in high school to begin the application process. 他们还必须获得威尔克斯大学的录取,并在每年11月15日之前完成威尔克斯大学医学预科学者的申请,才能被考虑参加世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划.

了解更多信息, 感兴趣的学生应联系威尔克斯大学的Constance Dombroski,表示对威尔克斯大学世界博彩公司十大排名医学预科学者计划感兴趣.  威尔克斯大学也为那些在入学后决定学习医学的在校生开放.

健康科学中心主任 & 学生的成功
Vice Chair, University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC)
P: (570) 408-4823


Students must be part of the Binghamton Scholars program.  The student must apply on a semester-by-semester basis through their school to obtain a possible interview.  了解更多信息, 感兴趣的学生应联系宾厄姆顿大学的凯瑟琳·鲍曼,表示对宾厄姆顿大学世界博彩公司十大排名医学预科学者计划感兴趣. 

凯瑟琳 Bouman



“I was a Guthrie scholar during my first semester of junior year of college. 我无法表达这段经历对我在医学领域的接触和洞察力有多宝贵. 我一直对科学感兴趣,我报名成为世界博彩公司十大排名学者,已经知道有一天我想申请医学院. My time as a Guthrie scholar not only solidified my decision to go into medicine, but also helped me grow as a future doctor.

It is difficult to know what you want to do for the rest of your life at the ripe age of 17, 尤其是当你唯一接触这个领域的机会是通过医学电视剧的玫瑰色眼镜. 如果你在我成为世界博彩公司十大排名学者之前问我我想进入医学领域的原因是什么, I would have told you that I’m interested in science and helping people, 这是绝对正确的. However, there are many fields out there that allow you to do just that.

与来自世界上几乎所有专业的不同背景的医生一对一的宝贵经历,让我真正明白了为什么我想要报名参加多年的学习和贷款. I gained useful clinical knowledge from my preceptors well in advance of medical school, 我学到了宝贵的人生经验. 我意识到我对学习的热爱, and finding the answer to the question “why” is the reason I wanted to go to medical school. 我了解到医学是要超越表面去拼凑出一个谜题,而不仅仅是某种病理, but of a full human being with complex life circumstances and excruciating individuality. 我知道,只要有必要,我就想上学,以便掌握所有的知识和工具,能够自信地照顾我未来的病人. 现在, 作为一名医科三年级学生, 我仍然有同样的心态,我永远感激在我未来职业生涯的早期阶段作为世界博彩公司十大排名学者的大开眼界的经历.”



“进入医学院最好的准备之一是我在世界博彩公司十大排名通过世界博彩公司十大排名学者项目度过的时光. Coming from a chemistry and biology focused undergrad, it was intimidating at first the extent of physiology applied by the providers, but a good wake up call to the pace of modern medicine and medical school. 世界博彩公司十大排名学者提供了一个很好的机会,可以与广泛的医生和卫生专业人员一起学习,并参与到一个独特的早期机会中,从事以健康为重点的研究. 研究 opportunity is invaluable for medical school, 与专注的健康研究人员一起工作的经历为我提供了在医学院早期参与研究项目的诀窍.”


威尔克斯大学/Penn 状态 Hershey School of Medicine

“I applied to the 世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划 for fall 2017, my junior year of college at Binghamton University. I was an integrative neuroscience major planning on applying to medical school at the end of the year. 世界博彩公司十大排名学者项目似乎是一个很好的机会,可以更多地接触医学领域,最终是我所能要求的最好的经历之一.

For the entire semester, our group of students took on the role of third year medical students. We were exposed to a new medical field almost every day and were able to help deliver babies, 观察大量的手术, 学习如何与病人交谈. 这让我获得了临床经验,也更好地了解了我喜欢的专业和将来会考虑的专业. 我们每个人都完成了一个临床研究项目,作为一个项目的要求,这让我认识到我作为一名医学生和未来的医生从事临床研究的愿望.

我现在是医学院临床轮转的第三年,我仍然意识到我从世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划中获得的好处. I have felt well prepared going into my clerkships since I already had prior experience from Guthrie. I started this year already knowing how to use Epic, 熟悉操作, and understanding the expectations of a third-year student. 我非常感谢我有机会参加世界博彩公司十大排名学者计划,并希望所有医学预科学生都能有这样一个不可思议的机会.”


Binghamton University/Albert Einstein College of Medicine

My name is 安娜•拉赫曼 and I am a third-year medical student at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. I am doing my clinical rotations at the Robert Packer Hospital but this is not my first time here. Years before doing my rotations at RPH, I was a Guthrie Scholar. The Guthrie Scholar program was an invaluable experience for me as a pre-medical student. It was my first up-close look into the world of medicine. 即使作为一名医学生现在在临床轮转,我也没有像世界博彩公司十大排名学者那样接触到各种各样的专业. 另外, I made social connections that benefit me even now as a third-year medical student. 我刚开始轮值的时候就知道了, I would have an advantage having already been in the clinical setting as a scholar.

There are providers who still kept in touch or recognized me when I returned years later. For anyone considering a career in the medical field, the Guthrie Scholar Program was what helped me in deciding if medicine was the right choice for me. 现在, as I do my clinical rotations at the RPH, 三年前我是世界博彩公司十大排名奖学金获得者,现在我有机会教来自同一个项目的学生,这让我又回到了原点. I would not trade being a Guthrie Scholar for anything!


Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine

My name is 卓娅拉赫曼 and I was a Guthrie Scholar over two years ago. 当时, 我没有太多的临床经验, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from my time at Robert Packer Hospital. 当我完成这个项目的时候, I couldn’t imagine having received a better clinical experience anywhere else. 医生和世界博彩公司十大排名的工作人员不仅热情好客,而且他们每天都从繁忙的工作中抽出时间来确保我学到新的东西. 我能够跟随来自不同领域的医疗保健专业人员,在那段时间里我得到的建议塑造了今天的我. 我能够与那些随时准备在我需要的时候提供帮助的人建立持久的关系. 进入医学院, I already had experience in outpatient care and in the OR which proved to be very beneficial.

When it came time to pick my campus, I did not hesitate a second before choosing Guthrie. Two years later and the people of Guthrie are just as welcoming and supportive as they had been before. Knowing how the Guthrie staff had treated the 世界博彩公司十大排名的学者, 我知道,当医学生提问或寻求临床经验时,我进入了一个促进积极氛围的空间. 我希望更多的医学生可以体验像世界博彩公司十大排名学者项目这样的项目,并能像我一样从中受益.


Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine