You may have diverticulosis, or small bulging pouches in the intestine, without symptoms. But when one of those pouches becomes inflamed or infected, you may experience severe abdominal pain, fever and 恶心想吐. When these symptoms persist for days, you may want to see a gastroenterologist for diagnosis.

How is diverticulitis diagnosed?

Abdominal pain can be caused by many problems. Your doctor do an examination and likely order tests to rule out other issues, as well as CT扫描 to identify inflamed or infected areas and to understand the severity of your condition.

How is diverticulitis treated?

Diverticulitis can range in severity. Treatment can include antibiotics and a liquid diet for some. For other, more severe attacks, a hospital stay may be required to let the bowel heal. Surgery can also be a treatment including primary bowel resection or bowel resection with colostomy. Our gastroenterology team works with the surgery team to develop the right care plan for you.

Your doctor may recommend colonoscopy after recovery from an attach to rule out colon cancer as a cause of symptoms.

We diagnose and treat digestive issues at Guthrie Gastroenterology including colon cancer, GERD, Crohn’s disease, 溃疡, ulcerative colitis.

Guthrie gastroenterology helps patients with persistent abdominal pain, 恶心想吐, vomiting or difficulty swallowing.

A colonoscopy is a screening test that allows the doctor to look for abnormalities inside your colon.