
Gastroesophageal re流感x disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid flows abnormally back into the esophagus. 的 esophagus is the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Stomach acid can damage the delicate lining and muscles of this tube. It can cause inflammation, 缩小, permanent changes to the cells and, 在某些情况下, cancer of the esophagus.

如果你有反流, you may experience severe or frequent heartburn, regurgitation of stomach contents into the esophagus or other symptoms of acid re流感x, at least twice a week. Other symptoms can include:

  • Feeling of 流感id or food rising in the esophagus
  • A sour taste in the mouth
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat
  • Chest pain not related to cardiac causes
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness or sore throat
  • 慢性咳嗽
  • 哮喘恶化

Left untreated, GERD can lead to serious health problems such as Barrett’s esophagus. 

How is GERD diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing severe or frequent heartburn – twice a week or more – or if you have been taking antacids for two weeks with little relief, the first step is a visit with your 初级护理 提供者. You may be diagnosed with GERD based on your symptoms, and lifestyle changes, 药物治疗, 进一步的测试, or a visit with a specialist may be recommended.

For symptoms that persist despite daily use of prescription 药物治疗, or if 进一步的测试 is needed, your 初级护理 提供者 may refer you to see a specialist. Testing might include x射线, acid probe evaluation, esophageal motility testing, or 内窥镜检查.

BRAVO™ pH monitoring system is also an option to help diagnose GERD. 一个临时的, small BRAVO™ capsule is attached to your esophagus through a minimally invasive procedure, with data wirelessly transmitted back to the BRAVO™ pH recorder. 的 recorder is worn on your belt over the course of 48-96 hours, allowing your 提供者 to read the results and determine next steps in your care. 

How is GERD treated?

Lifestyle changes may ease GERD symptoms, such as

  • 减肥
  • eating smaller meals
  • not eating for at least four hours before lying down
  • 戒烟   

Prescription 药物治疗s such as H-2 receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors often are effective. Surgery or endoscopic treatment may be an option for certain GERD patients.

的 best way to determine your treatment options is to make an appointment with us. 

We diagnose and treat digestive issues at Guthrie Gastroenterology including colon cancer, GERD, 克罗恩氏病, 溃疡, 溃疡性结肠炎.

Guthrie gastroenterology helps patients with persistent abdominal pain, 恶心想吐, vomiting or difficulty swallowing.

A colonoscopy is a screening test that allows the doctor to look for abnormalities inside your colon.

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