

Abbey Halula, DO
Abbey Halula, DO

My typical day as an anesthesia resident begins at 4:45-5:15 am when I wake up. 我住在离医院25分钟路程的地方, so I get ready in the morning and typically plan to arrive at the hospital around 5:45-6:30 am depending on my case complexity for the day.

到达医院的时候, I park in the resident lot and change into OR scrubs in the locker room. I typically get a Vocera battery and log into my Vocera (communication system used by the anesthesia department/nursing staff). 我会查看手术板上的病例分配是否有变化, and head into the anesthesia workroom for my med labels and to get any equipment I may need for my first case.

一旦进入手术室, 我进行机器检查, 为我的病例准备药物, and prepare my airway equipment/any other supplies I may need for the first case. 然后我前往准备区去看我的第一个病人. 通常, 我会在早上7点左右到达准备区, or earlier if I need to perform a procedure such as line/block/neuraxial.

在准备区, 我看到我的病人, perform a medical/anesthetic history and explain the anesthetic plan. 我在病人身上放置监测器,并同意他们进行任何手术. 如果没有静脉注射,我通常会进行静脉注射. 当主治医生到达时, I confirm any changes to the plan (discussed the night before) and then perform any procedures. 等房间准备好了, I perform a “time out” and verify the patient and procedure with the prep nurse/OR nurse and bring the patient to the operating room by 7:30-8 AM based on case start time.

In the OR, after placing monitors on the patient, I induce the patient with my attending. 在气管安全之后, I perform any procedures or additional lines before the patient is positioned, 同时保持血液动力学. I then finish my documentation for the case while managing the patient. 有时, after induction an attending will mention a topic that they would like to teach for the day. 通常在第一个病例期间, the attending will often let me out of the operating room for a quick breakfast/coffee break. Once the operation draws to a close, emergence begins, and I will extubate the patient.

在康复区,我把病人带到他们指定的护士那里. 然后交给病人,完成麻醉记录. 我准备好了下一个病例的用品, 然后回到准备区等待下一个病人. 这个时候, the attending usually will have seen the patient and explained the anesthetic plan, 我会自我介绍,然后把病人带到手术室. 中午,我有半个小时的午休时间.

On Wednesdays, I am typically relieved at 12:40 pm so that I can attend afternoon didactics. 否则, 在我提前办完案子的日子里, 那天,我和董事会负责人核实了一下,看看哪里需要我. 我通常在下午5点左右休息一天. 然后我会查看第二天的日程安排, review the cases and prepare the pre-operative note for each patient for the next day. I usually call the attending to discuss the anesthetic plans and decide on a topic to read on for the following day. I drive home, and the rest of the night is free aside from some pre op reading and board study.


在格斯里罗伯特帕克医院麻醉科, 我们充分意识到住院医师培训的诸多压力. 我们密切关注住院医生的健康和适应能力. 我们的目标是促进健康的工作与生活平衡. Our resident-centered Wellness Program includes the following components:

  • 居民会议
    所有住院医师每季度与我们的项目监察员(Dr. 维克多Kolade, (内科)商务会议, a forum to discuss issues and concerns to a faculty member not directly associated with our program. This meeting allows issues to be addressed in a timely matter and provides a venue for the residents to stay involved and active.
  • 导师计划
    我们的项目坚信导师的价值. Each resident is assigned a faculty mentor to guide them throughout their residency training.  居民 meet with their mentors regularly to discuss their strengths, 挑战, 短期目标, 长期规划和整体健康.    
  • 员工援助计划
    Guthrie provides a comprehensive 员工援助计划 (EAP) for all residents. EAP福利是免费提供给员工的, 福利的所有组成部分都是完全保密的.

    我们知道当你决定打电话的时候, 这可能会很有压力,你希望能够和别人说话, 不管什么时候. 世界博彩公司十大排名与CuraLinc, LLC合作.,  an industry leading employee assistance provider, to provide SupportLinc. This enhanced partnership allows for you to have to access the following services:
    • 短期咨询: Up to six (6) in-person counseling sessions with a licensed clinician on site.
    • 免费法律服务: Free telephonic or (30 minute) face-to-face consultation with local attorney.
    • 免费金融服务: Free expert financial planning and consultation through a network of licensed financial counselors.
    • 专家推荐: Free referrals to resources that help address a wide range of issues such as child or elder care, 采用, 宠物护理, 回家修理, 教育, 旅行和住房需求.
    • 门户网站: 访问数千篇文章, 提示单和视频涵盖了广泛的健康问题, 幸福, 以及工作与生活平衡的话题.  它还包含儿童和老年人搜索引擎, 引用库, 法律和财政资源, 自我提升计划和教育模块.
    • eConnect® MOBILE APP: Schedule video, live chat or telephonic counseling.
    • TEXTCOACH: 交换短信, voicenotes and resources with a licensed counselor through the Textcoach™ mobile and desktop app.
    • 精神: A personalized digital resource that strengthens mental health and overall 幸福 through a dynamic series of self-directed modules.
    • 虚拟支持连接: Provides live moderated group support on a wide variety of topics via the desktop or mobile platform.


In addition to orientation, an annual welcome party is held for the new incoming residents. This setting offers an opportunity for residents, and faculty to connect on a more personal level.
许多居民的社交活动在这一年中举行.  Our Wednesday Didactic program is built to include four afternoons a year where formal didactics are replaced with a wellness event.  We also have various other events throughout the year organized by GME.  

A quarterly Journal Club allows residents and faculty to meet outside of the hospital at a local venue to socialize while discussing assigned articles.







在我们的项目中,实行了门户开放政策. 鼓励居民与项目主任联系. Associate Program Director, or Program Coordinator whenever they feel the need.
