Cortland Medical Center 访客信息

Rest and comfort are important for healing, but having supportive families and friends visit during recovery is just as important to our patient’s emotional and physical well-being.


Visitation hours are generally between 7:00 a.m. 晚上9点.m. 晚上9点以后.m., 游客 must enter via a designated hospital entrance and go through a hospital-specific visitor identification process.

The Guthrie Clinic’s visitation practices are non-discriminatory and do not restrict, 限制, or deny visitation on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 或残疾. 病人有这个权利, 经他们同意, to receive the 游客 they designate, including but not 限制ed to a spouse, domestic partner (including a same-性 domestic partner), 另一个家庭成员, 或者是朋友, and it is their right to withdraw or deny such consent at any time.

Visitation may be restricted or 限制ed when it is deemed clinically necessary and/or as required by federal/state/local regulations. 例如, 游客 with fever or 流感-like symptoms or who have an acute or communicable illness/condition are not permitted to visit.

游客 are subject to all relevant policies of the hospital and of The Guthrie Clinic and may be asked to leave if their behavior warrants (such as: not following Guthrie’s Tobacco-free Environment policy,  表现出暴力行为, or not following an infection prevention policy).

Some departments have additional visitation procedures:


  • Cortland Medical Center: Two 游客 at a time unless arranged in advance with the psychiatric provider. 如果超过两个人, additional 游客 will be asked to wait outside of the unit, in their car (when possible) or in the main lobby. 探视时间是每天下午4-6点.m.

Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Post-Partum (LDRP):

Visitation Hours on Maternity units are between 9 a.m.- 9 p.m., with a support person(s) staying with the patient allowed to be present at all times. Limit of two support persons during the labor and birth process. If the patient chooses to employ a Doula to accompany her, she will be allowed the Doula PLUS two 游客 during labor (if the patient’s medical condition and space allow). 兄弟姐妹探视可能发生, 除了流感季节, 10/1-3/31, when children less than 12 are not permitted to visit. Siblings are not permitted to stay overnight.


Two 游客 at the bedside during visitation hours, with the exception of family meetings. Visitation is dependent upon the patient's condition and the condition of other patients in that area. Outside of visitation hours, visitation is based on patient/family needs and unit activity.

  • 科特兰ICU:早上7点.m. - 9 p.m.


Children may have one or both parents/guardians with them at all times pre-and post-operation. 游客 are not permitted in the Operating Room, with the following exceptions:

  • A support person for cesarean sections unless being performed under general anesthesia.
  • A parent of a child, when deemed necessary, until anesthesia is administered.
  • A patient with special needs who is calmed by the presence of their guardian or caretaker.


Please do not take ANY pictures with any phone or camera device of other patients, 游客, or staff – even if they are only in the background of the photo. It is a violation of our patients’ right to privacy.

  • Please be courteous when having phone conversations in your room and in public areas.
  • Set ringtones for incoming calls to vibrate, and turn down the volume on your phone, 尤其是在别人睡觉的时候
  • When using your cellular phone, please stay 至少三英尺远 所有电子设备.


Guthrie prohibits the use of all tobacco products at all of its campuses and office locations. This policy will be enforced in a manner which promotes prevention and awareness, and provides education for those who use tobacco.


  • 星期一至星期五:上午4点.m. 到下午6点.m. 
  • 星期六至星期日:上午十一时.m. 到下午1:15.m.

Located on the first floor of the hospital, the cafeteria offers complete breakfast, 午餐, 每天的晚餐选择, 还有沙拉吧, 烧烤站, 还有外卖选择.


  • 星期一:早上五点半.m. 至晚上11时.m.
  • 星期二:早上五点半.m. 至晚上11时.m.
  • 星期三:早上五点半.m. 至晚上11时.m.
  • 星期四:早上五点半.m. 至晚上11时.m.
  • 星期五:早上五点半.m. 至晚上11时.m.

The interfaith chapel is located on the first floor of the hospital down the hall from emergency room waiting area and across from the ATM machine and vending machine area. Featuring a beautiful multi-faith stained glass window and artwork, 它对你开放, 你的家人, and friends for quiet meditation and prayer. Spiritual care information and prayer requests are available.

wi - fi /互联网接入

There is free, open access to Wi-Fi throughout the hospital. Some websites are automatically blocked by our network for security purposes.
