What is sinusitis?

Chronic sinusitis and related conditions are a common medical problem. The tissue of the sinuses can become inflamed due to allergy, cold, nasal polyps or deviated septum.

Sinus symptoms include

  • Facial pain or tenderness
  • 头疼
  • Stuffy nose
  • 咳嗽
  • 发热
  • Reduced sense of taste or smell

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis or recurrent sinus infection s we can help you find relief. Call to make an appointment.

How is sinusitis treated?

Sinusitis can be treated with medication, but over 60% of sinusitis sufferers do not respond to medical treatments. We also offer you surgical options for nasal/sinus relief.

Many surgical options can be performed in our office as an outpatient procedure. This is safe and effective and allows you a quicker recovery than an operating room procedure.

Options for sinus relief include:

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Image-guided sinus surgery
  • Nasal/septal surgery
  • Balloon sinuplasty 

Whether it’s ear infections, a hearing issue, sinusitis, or speech and swallowing our otolaryngology and audiology teams can help. We look at your individual needs and offer treatment options that are right for you.

At our ENT offices, allergy testing results are available within 20-30 minutes. We can develop a treatment plan based on your specific allergy.